The SC-PRO® adhesive is a vinylester based resin material packaged in single use, two-part glass capsule which have premeasured components. Capsules are formulated to suit a corresponding threaded anchor rod size.
- Long shelf life of 18 months from date of manufacture
- Low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC's)
- Curing time: 20 minutes at 20°C
- Designed for use with chisel pointed threaded rod
- Simple, fast installation
- Pre-measured adhesive volumes avoids waste - amount of mortar is exactly fitted to the drill hole diameter
- Usable in a wide range of weather conditions, even under wet circumstances
- No expansion forces - small spacing and small edge distance possible
- Two approved temperature ranges: 24/40°C and 50/80°C
- Max Fixture Thickness: 27
- Hand rails, gates, steel posts, wall ties, structural connections, infrastructure